Tel +32 (0) 486 79 95 01
About Me
Tomoé Nagata
Certificated kinesiologist
I am a pianist by training. I turned to kinesiology because I experienced difficulties in managing performance anxiety on stage. I have been practicing kinesiology since 2010 when I obtained my diploma as a professional kinesiology practitioner from IBK, the Institut Belge de Kinesiologie.

When to consult?

Relieve shoulder pain !
I tried a session out of curiosity. I do not believe it ! The day after the session, I was able to put on my coat without any difficulty. I no longer have shoulder pain, the pain is gone.
— Sachiyo, Japan

Anger crisis over !
My 7 year old daughter had had major tantrums since the age of 3. It lasted almost 3 hours, and nothing could calm her down. After a single session, these anger have stopped and have not returned!
—Kaori, Brussels

I saw my aunt transform !
After the death of her daughter, my 80-year-old aunt withdrew into sadness and guilt. In a single session, she took over her life and is completely transformed, to our great surprise!
—Chié, Paris